Car ShowsNor Cal Drag Racing News

Nor Cal Drag Racing Attends 2014 Gold Rush Car Show

Since 1996, the Oro Dam Cruisers have organized the Gold Rush Car Show in Oroville, Calfornia. Every year, the well attended car show, hosts car enthusiasts from all over California and surrounding states.

This year was Nor Cal Drag Racing’s first year to participate in the show. Although our 1974 Chevy Luv is still in the ‘project stage,’ we were proud to enter our street/strip mini-truck in the show.

1974 Chevy Luv

Our goal of entering the show, however, was not to win an award, but to have the opportunity to converse with entrants and attendees in order to spread the word about our cause of keeping drag racing alive in Northern California (NorCal).

To be honest, our ‘drag racing message’ received mix results. Many attendees were encouraged by the fact that we hope to encourage racers to race the strip and not the street; however, some of the car enthusiasts we spoke to were simply against the idea of drag racing altogether. While we cannot convince everyone, Nor Cal Drag Racing (norcaldragracing), through our continued community outreach, hopes to change any negative views of drag racing and effectively communicate that drag racers are not plights on the community. Instead, for the most part, we are responsible hobbyists who are trying to keep a tradition alive in a responsible fashion.

Help us spread the word…race the strip, not the street!

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